Thursday, September 11, 2008

Good morning from Bangkok!

It is a beautiful morning here in Bangkok!  I'm writing from the Novotel at Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok where my luxurious stay will end in a few hours.  Everything about Bangkok (well the airport and the hotel) is extravagant.  Hopefully I can make it back soon and spend a few days sight-seeing and exploring.  

My flight from Chicago to Tokyo was grueling.  It was 12 hours of sitting in a cramped space with waves of nausea passing through every two hours.  I quickly found my gate at Tokyo for the next flight and passed out for a few hours.  The flight from Tokyo to Bangkok was fine because I doubled the dose of dramamine!

Everyone in Tokyo and in Bangkok are extremely helpful and kind.  It is such a change from the attitude we are used to in the US.  

I am going to get ready for my next flight.  Next stop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Blog soon! 


Ru said...

Yay Neeti! I'm glad you're keeping a blog - can't wait to follow you around with your adventures :)

Safe trip hun!

Unknown said...

Great stuff! Keep it up for our benefit. Mom is really going to enjoy it.