Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Music (noise) to my Ears

As I am getting ready for bed, around 8:30 pm, I hear familiar noises.  My roommates flipping the pages of the books they are reading, mosquitoes and flies being shocked to death with a mosquito bat, the fluorescent lamp buzzing, the fan making a noise as it rotates from side-to-side.   I finish up the last page in my book and turn my light off.  As I am drifting off to sleep, I hear a monster truck outside of my window honking at random people walking around on Highway 5.  Now awake, while everyone else is asleep, I start to listen to other noises that I usually drown out in my slumber.  I hear one of the windows creek open.  I definitely start to panic due to my over active imagination.  Some thoughts:
"Is someone breaking in?",  "Oh no, did I leave my wallet on the kitchen table?",  "Shit, my parents are going to kill me if I loose anything!"

I hear small thumping noises.  Hm... maybe this creeper is unusually small?  I run to my door and immediately lock it.  Getting back into bed I realize that is pointless because my door does not reach the top of the ceiling and the burglar can easily climb on top of the broken television and jump into my room.  I grab the most weapon like item close to me... a mosquito bat.  Well at least I can shock the hell out of whoever is outside.  I attempt falling asleep but I jump with the slightest noise.  

I start drifting to sleep around midnight when out of nowhere I hear monstrous croak.  I jump out of my bed and race to turn the light on, only to realize it was a gecko.  Okay, the gekko cannot hurt me when I'm in my bed with my mosquito net surrounding me.  I start to relax, but I keep hearing things moving around in the living room.  Shoot, there is still someone lurking out there!  

I hear some of the chairs scraping against the wooden floor, books falling off of the coffee table.  Too scared to actually do anything about it, I get back into bed, lights on with every intention to stay awake, and just pray whoever is out there will just leave seeing that the house is full books and movies he probably cannot understand and food that will taste strange to him.  Somewhere between fighting to stay awake and lucid dreaming, I hear a scream.  Only it wasn't human; it was a cat meowing at the top of his lungs!  It sounded like he was fighting another cat... 

Relieved, I fell asleep... safely!  

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